WelcomeServing youth bowlers in Will County, Illinois by offering...
All leagues and bowlers are sanctioned with the United States Bowling Congress (USBC). Information on USBC Age change*** ATTENTION ALL 17, 18, & 19 YEAR OLD BOWLERS ***
Effective with the 2020-2021 season, the maximum age to bowl in a youth league will be 18 years old. However, this season, anyone who is currently 18 or 19 years old (or will turn 18 during the bowling season) must complete Safe Sport training. Listed below are the steps to complete this training.
On this page there is a ‘how-to-guide’ as well as a link to begin your training. Please follow the instructions on how to complete your training. Once training is complete, please bring a copy of your certificate to league. This must be done before league begins (if you are currently 18 or 19 years old) or if you turn 18 during the bowling season. If this certificate is not turned in, you will not be able to bowl until the training is complete. |
Please click below for the annual written scholarship application. Applications are due to your head coach by August 24, 2024. Good luck to all participants
2024 Youth City TournamentThe OFFICIAL standings with scholarship amounts are posted. We paid out 1 in 5 entries. Congratulations to all of the winners!
Adult Youth **OFFICIAL** ResultsThank you to everyone who bowled in the tournament. We had a great turnout considering all the other events going on the past two weekends. The official results are posted below. Congrats to all of the winners.
Fundraising = Scholarships
Amazon Smile pays it forward to the Joliet Area USBC Association. Visit our fundraising page for more information on how your purchases can help raise scholarships for our youth bowlers.
JAUSBCA SponsorsJAUSBCA is looking for local sponsors for our tournaments, scholarship fund and fundraising events. Please contact us at [email protected]
Quick LinksClick on the link below for:
On The Lanes With... Tournament Sales Table 2017-18 Bowler of the Week & Honor Scores Past tournament results Other youth tournaments |
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Tournament Lane Monitor ProgramAre you a youth bowler who would like to learn more about how tournaments work? Do you need community service hours for school? Volunteer to be a lane monitor during one of our tournaments. Email us for more information. [email protected]
Illinois State TournamentsFor Illinois State Team and Pepsi results, go to: www.ilusbcyouth.org/
For Illinois State Singles and Doubles, go to http://isyl.org/ Coaches Cornerby www.bowling.com
Bowling Etiquette Do's and Don'ts Staying Calm and Focused Under Pressure The Fitness Benefits of Bowling USBC Bowling Academy Tips
What a good bowler needs to know...
Tips on bowling timing